Adobe Illustrator - Part 2

Course Description

You have created simple artwork by using the basic drawing and painting tools available in Adobe Illustrator CC. You now want to use advanced tools, options, and effects to create complex artwork. In addition, you want to ensure that your artwork is ready for commercial printing and also save it for the web. In this course, you will draw complex illustrations and enhance them by using various painting options. You will also use painting tools, manage colors, format type, work with effects, prepare artwork for commercial printing, and prepare graphics for the web.

Duration: 1 days


To ensure your success, you will need to take the Adobe Illustrator CC Part One course, or have equivalent knowledge.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to use Adobe Illustrator CC to create complex illustrations, format illustrations and type, and prepare documents for print and web.
You will:

Draw complex illustrations.
Enhance artwork by using painting tools.
Customize colors and swatches.
Format type.
Enhance the appearance of artwork.
Prepare content for deployment.
Set up project requirements.

Drawing Complex Illustrations

Apply the Grid, Guides, and Info Panel
Combine Objects to Create Complex Illustrations
Organize Artwork with Layers
Create a Perspective Drawing
Trace Artwork

Enhancing Artwork Using Painting Tools

Paint Objects Using Fills and Strokes
Paint Objects Using Live Paint Groups
Paint with Custom Brushes
Add Transparency and Blending Modes
Apply Meshes to Objects
Apply Patterns

Customizing Colors and Swatches

Manage Colors
Customize Swatches
Manage Color Groups
Adjust Color

Formatting Type

Set Character Formats
Apply Advanced Formatting Options to Type

Enhancing the Appearance of Artwork

Apply Effects to an Object
Create Graphic Styles
Apply a Mask to an Object
Apply Symbols and Symbol Sets

Preparing Content for Deployment

Prepare Artwork for Printing
Prepare Transparency and Colors for Printing
Create Slices and Image Maps
Save Graphics for the Web
Prepare Documents for Video
Prepare Files for Other Applications

Setting Project Requirements

Identify the Purpose, Audience, and Audience Needs
Determine and Evaluate Standard Copyright Rules for Artwork, Graphics, and Graphics Use
Determine and Evaluate Project Management Tasks and Responsibilities

Adobe Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator CC Illustrator